Calcium Chloride and Salinity Stress Effects on Growth, Dry Matter Allocation and Ion Uptake of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam.)


  • Kenneth Vincent Austin Richardson Department of Agriculture, The Bahamas
  • Caligari PDS Instituto de Biologia Vegetal y Biotechnologia, Universidad de Talca, 2 Norte 685, Talca Chile


Ipomoea batatas, sweet potato, salinity, calcium chloride, Ca, K, Na, relative growth rate, dry matter accumulation, ion uptake


The effects of NaCl salinity and CaCl2 concentrations on growth, dry matter allocation and ion uptake  of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam.) plants were examined. Responses of sweet potato to  salinity showed that plants growing in low Ca2+ exhibited severe growth reduction under salinity stressof 140 mM NaCl. Growth was reduced by NaCl salinity, and differences in ion uptake were observed  between the plants receiving low and high concentrations of CaCl2. Relative growth rate (RGR) of  sweet potato was only slightly reduced by salinity in the early stages, with a large reduction occurring  in the later stages. Sweet potato had a higher dry matter allocation to its shoots as NaCl salinity  reduced root growth more than it did shoot growth. Salinity tolerance of sweet potato appears to be  associated with its ability to control rates of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ion uptake and transport, in order to  maintain ionic adjustments within the plant tissues during salt stress. There appears to be a salttolerance mechanism operating in which, during salt stress, ionic adjustment within the plant tissues  of sweet potato cultivar is maintained by controlling the rates of ion uptake and transport.

Author Biography

Kenneth Vincent Austin Richardson, Department of Agriculture, The Bahamas

Senior Agricultural OfficerDepartment of Agriculture


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How to Cite

Richardson, K. V. A., & PDS, C. (2015). Calcium Chloride and Salinity Stress Effects on Growth, Dry Matter Allocation and Ion Uptake of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam.). JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 40(1), 56–65. Retrieved from



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