Effect of NAA and IBA on in vitro regeneration and hardening in cassava(Manihot esculenta Crantz.)


  • Shiji R AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute
  • James George AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute
  • Sunitha S AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute
  • Vandhana A AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute
  • Muthuraj R AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute


Cassava, Root induction, Shoot regeneration, NAA, IBA, hardening


As the cassava is a delicate plant to harden during in vitro regeneration, huge losses occur duringtransfer from in vitro laboratory to in-situ field conditions. One month old in vitro plantlets of cassavavarieties “Sree Vijayaâ€, “H-226†and “H-165†released by Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, India grown from in vitro nodal explants using MS media supplemented with NAA or IBA along with a control were used for hardening studies. For in vitro rooting with shoot regeneration, MS media supplemented with 0.3 mgl-1 IBA was found to be the best for all the three varieties. Cassava plantlets grown using 0.6% agar in the in vitro growth medium with NAA supplement produced least root damage (3%) during washing before hardening. All the varieties grown in MS media supplemented with NAA, showed good results during hardening. Cassava varieties Sree Vijaya and H-226 grown in vermiculite + soil as potting mixture using both Hoagland and fertilizer solution showed maximum success of 87% and 80% respectively. Cassava var. H-165 showed best result from the potting media sand + vermiculite + soil using both Hoagland and fertilizer solution, which gave 100% success. The hardened plantlets could be successfully acclimatized in the green house and transplanted to open field conditions.

Author Biographies

Shiji R, AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute

Research AssistantAICRP on Tuber CropsCentral Tuber Crops Reserach Institute

James George, AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute

Principal Scientist & Project CoordinatorAICRP on Tuber CropsCentral Tuber Crops Reserach Institute

Sunitha S, AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute

Principal Scientist (Agronomy)AICRP on Tuber CropsCentral Tuber Crops Reserach Institute

Vandhana A, AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute

Research AssistantAICRP on Tuber CropsCentral Tuber Crops Reserach Institute

Muthuraj R, AICRP on Tuber Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute

Senior ScientistAICRP on Tuber CropsCentral Tuber Crops Reserach Institute


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How to Cite

R, S., George, J., S, S., A, V., & R, M. (2015). Effect of NAA and IBA on in vitro regeneration and hardening in cassava(Manihot esculenta Crantz.). JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 40(2), 12–20. Retrieved from http://journal.isrc.in/index.php/jrc/article/view/242



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