Economic Analysis of Sweet Potato Farming and Marketing in Odisha


  • P Prakash CTCRI
  • Avinash Kishore
  • Devesh Roy
  • Debdutt Behura


Sweet potato, value chain, opportunities, Odisha


Sweet potato plays a crucial role in increasing food security and income for the poor farmers ofOdisha. Sweet potato is grown during Kharif and Rabi season. It is consumed in different formsnamely fresh, boiled and baked. The value chain of sweet potato is not well organized in Odisha. Thisstudy was carried out to analyze the existing sweet potato value chain in four selected districts ofOdisha namely Koraput, Kalahandi, Kandhamal and Ganjam. Purposive sampling technique was usedto select the samples and primary data were collected through well-structured questionnaire fromdifferent value chain actors. Simple descriptive statistics and econometric analysis were used toanalysis the data. The value chain actors in sweet potato are Input suppliers, producers, aggregators,wholesalers, retailer and consumers. There are no specialized traders or retailers of sweet potatofound in the study area. They mostly sell the sweet potato along with vegetables. There were noprocessing unit for sweet potato in Odisha. Farmer’s producer organization (FPOs) and value additionwill help in raising farmer’s income and welfare.




How to Cite

Prakash, P., Kishore, A., Roy, D., & Behura, D. (2017). Economic Analysis of Sweet Potato Farming and Marketing in Odisha. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 42(2), 163–167. Retrieved from