Standardization of an efficient DNA isolation protocol in tannia [Xanthosoma sagittifolium(L.) Schott]


  • A. Asha Devi
  • Ann P. George
  • N. Krishna Radhika
  • Shirly Raichal Anil
  • K.I. Asha


Genetic variability is very much limited in tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium(L.) Schott).Morphologicalvariation is limited to colour variation in leaf, petioleand tuber flesh colour in this crop. Tuber shape andsize also shows variation. ICAR-CTCRI being the National Repository for tuber crops is maintaining thegermplasm collection of edible aroids including tannia. In order to assess the genetic diversity existing inthis introduced crop, different DNA isolation protocols were tested in four tannia accessions to identitythe best method. CTAB method standardised by Sharma et al., (2008) for taro, DNeasy kit method(Qiagen) and modified Dellaporta method were tried. It was observed that the quality of DNA wasgood in the modified Dellaporta method with DNA quality ranging from 1.98 (Xa-6) to 2.23 (Xa-67).Good quantity was obtained ranging from 830 ng/?l (ACIX-2) to 1968 ng/?l (Xa-71). The extractedDNA was amenable to ISSR markers. Hence, for all further molecular studies in tannia, the modifiedDellaporta method was adopted.




How to Cite

A. Asha Devi, Ann P. George, N. Krishna Radhika, Shirly Raichal Anil, & K.I. Asha. (2024). Standardization of an efficient DNA isolation protocol in tannia [Xanthosoma sagittifolium(L.) Schott]. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 48(1 & 2), 21–25. Retrieved from