Nan-khatai: A cassava flour-based cookie


  • M. Nedunchezhiyan
  • J. Dixit
  • Kalidas Pati
  • V.B.S. Chauhan
  • K.H. Gowda
  • C. Pradeepika
  • M.S. Sajeev
  • G. Byju


AbstractNan-khatai, a bakery product traditionally prepared using refined wheat flour (maida). A study was planned to develop and evaluate nan-khatai using cassava flour. The treatment consisted of combination of refined wheat flour and cassava flour; T1- refined wheat flour: cassava 100:0, T2- refined wheat flour: cassava 75:25, T3 - refined wheat flour: cassava 50:50, T4 - refined wheat flour: cassava 25:75 and T5 -refined wheat flour: cassava 0:100. The developed product was tested for sensory evaluation. Using 9-point hedonic scale, sensory evaluation was carried out for (i) appearance or colour, (ii) taste and flavor, (iii) smell or odour, (iv) texture or mouth feel or sweetness. As per score card, the product with combination of refined wheat flour and cassava flour in the ratio of 100:0 (T1), 75:25 (T2) and 50:50 (T3) were liked very much (LVM) on the basis of appearance, taste, smell, texture or mouthfeel. The a combination of refined wheat flour and cassava flour 25:75 (T4 ) was liked moderately (LM) for the above sensory parameters. The combination ratio of refined wheat flour: cassava 0:100 (T5 ) was liked slightly. The outcome of this research can be used as valuable ideas for the development of high-fibre low gluten cookies.




How to Cite

M. Nedunchezhiyan, J. Dixit, Kalidas Pati, V.B.S. Chauhan, K.H. Gowda, C. Pradeepika, M.S. Sajeev, & G. Byju. (2025). Nan-khatai: A cassava flour-based cookie. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 50(1), 3–7. Retrieved from

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