Performance of Cassava, Sweet Potato and Chinese Potato in Rice Based Cropping Systems of Southern Kerala


  • Jacob John Associate Professor, Cropping Systems Research Centre, Kerala Agricultural University, Karamana P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695011
  • Rani Bhasuran Associate Professor, Cropping Systems Research Centre, Kerala Agricultural University, Karamana P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695011
  • Kuruvilla Varughese Professor (Retd.), Cropping Systems Research Centre, Kerala Agricultural University, Karamana P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695011
  • Babu Mathew Associate Professor, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram 695522


cassava, Chinese potato, cropping sequence, rice, stability index, sweet potato


A five year field study was undertaken in the wetland rice fields of Cropping Systems Research Centre,  Kerala Agricultural University, Thiruvananthapuram during 2006 virippu/kharif to 2011 summer. The  treatments were eight rice based cropping sequences viz., T1: rice-rice-fallow, T2: rice-rice sweetpotato (var. Kanhangad), T3: rice-rice-pumpkin (var. Ambili), T4: rice-rice-sesamum (var. Thilarani), T5:  rice-rice-amaranthus (var. Arun), T6: rice-rice-vegetable cowpea (var. Vellayani local), T7: rice-Chinese  potato (var. Nidhi)-daincha, T8: rice-cassava (var. Vellayani Hraswa)-daincha. The experiment was laid  out in randomized block design and treatments were replicated thrice. The performance of the crops  over the years was analysed through the stability index (based on yield). The economics of cultivation  was also worked out. From the stability analysis, ancillary observations and economic analysis over  the past five years (2006-2011), it can be concluded that rice-rice-amaranthus and rice-rice-sweet  potato were the best cropping sequences. This is followed by rice-rice-cowpea and rice-rice-pumpkin.  The sequences, rice-rice-sesamum and rice-Chinese potato-daincha were not suitable for southern  Kerala. Stability index for Chinese potato was very low.

Author Biographies

Jacob John, Associate Professor, Cropping Systems Research Centre, Kerala Agricultural University, Karamana P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695011

Associate Professor (Agronomy)

Rani Bhasuran, Associate Professor, Cropping Systems Research Centre, Kerala Agricultural University, Karamana P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695011

Associate Professor (Soil Science)

Kuruvilla Varughese, Professor (Retd.), Cropping Systems Research Centre, Kerala Agricultural University, Karamana P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695011

Professor (Agronomy) Retd.

Babu Mathew, Associate Professor, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram 695522

Associate Professor (Agronomy)


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How to Cite

John, J., Bhasuran, R., Varughese, K., & Mathew, B. (2015). Performance of Cassava, Sweet Potato and Chinese Potato in Rice Based Cropping Systems of Southern Kerala. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 39(2), 105–109. Retrieved from



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