Comparative potential of Somatic embryogenesis and Friable Embryogenic Callus production in farmer preferred Indian cassava cultivars


  • Makeshkumar Thangaraj Principal Scientist, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariym, Trivandrum - 695017


cassava, friable embryogenic callus, Indian cultivar, somatic embryogenesis


The most crucial step towards developing farmer preferred qualities in cassava is to successfully produce stable and re-generable friable embryogenic callus (FEC). FEC production in four Indian cassava cultivars viz., H226, H165, Sree Vijaya, Sree Sahya in comparison with model cultivar, TMS 60444 were attempted. The focus was also  on production and maintenance of virus free in vitro mother plants, optimization of somatic embryogenesis using two different explants, axillary bud (AB) and immature leaf lobe (ILL), other than induction of FEC and evaluation of its regeneration potential. All the varieties produced a moderate to optimum OES production on 12mg/l Picloram, in which the highest frequency of OES induction of 97.49 % and 95.64 % were obtained in H226 and H165, respectively using ILL. The number of healthy plantlets regenerated from 50 mg of FEC was 14, 11, and 17 from H165, H226 and TMS 60444 respectively. These results could be a pointer towards the production of FEC in other Indian cassava varieties, which are highly susceptible to CMD with suitable modification in culture media for developing resistance.


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How to Cite

Thangaraj, M. (2017). Comparative potential of Somatic embryogenesis and Friable Embryogenic Callus production in farmer preferred Indian cassava cultivars. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 43(1), 23–33. Retrieved from



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