Tuber Crops Interventions to Improve Livelihood Security in Disadvantaged Districts of Odisha


  • M Nedunchezhiyan Regional Centre of Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (ICAR-CTCRI) Dumduma HBC Bhuabaneswar - 751019, Odisha
  • Antaryami Lenka Regional Centre of Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (ICAR-CTCRI) Dumduma HBC Bhuabaneswar - 751019, Odisha
  • Susanta Kumar Jata Regional Centre of Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (ICAR-CTCRI) Dumduma HBC Bhuabaneswar - 751019, Odisha


Taro, elephant foot yam, greater yam, sweet potato, food security, nutrition


Root and tuber crops are important food crops and have greater climate resilient characters. Tuber crops interventions were demonstrated in disadvantaged districts (Kandhamal, Kalahandi and Dhenkanal) of Odisha on livelihood improvement. During the year 2010-11, elephant foot yam (Gajendra) was produced 17.0 tonnes tuber in 0.46 ha (46 households) with the net income of Rs 4600 per household (100 m2 demonstration).   Sweet potato (Kishan) + red gram (UPAS-120) intercropping produced 2.52 tonnes of tubers + 330 kg seed yield in 0.30 ha (15 households) with the net income of Rs 2150 per household (400 m2 demonstration).   During the year 2011-12, greater yam (Orissa elite) was demonstrated in 1.84 ha (92 households) and produced 43.4 tonnes tuber with the net income of Rs 2040 per household (200 m2 demonstration). Sweet potato (Kishan) was demonstrated in 2.6 ha (65 households) and produced 27 tonnes tuber with the net income of Rs 380 per household (400 m2 demonstration). Yam bean (RM-1) consumed as salad after peeling the skin resulted net income of Rs 2110 and Rs 1781 per household (300 m2 demonstration) during the year 2010-11 and 2011-12, respectively. Cassava performed well in the demonstrations during both the years. However, farmers were reluctant to grow this crop, as they did not know the utility of cassava tubers. Proximate composition of greater yam, elephant foot yam and sweet potato tubers were analyzed for protein, fat, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates and discussed in this paper. Improved varieties and production techniques offered good scope in improvement of livelihood and nutritional security of rainfed farmers in disadvantaged districts of Odisha.  


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How to Cite

Nedunchezhiyan, M., Lenka, A., & Jata, S. K. (2015). Tuber Crops Interventions to Improve Livelihood Security in Disadvantaged Districts of Odisha. JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS, 39(2), 207–210. Retrieved from



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